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Writer's pictureNatalie Shew

Solving Drift with Microfluidic Nozzles

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

“Farmers face constant anxiety over the implications of drift – whether spraying will hurt their crops, neighboring fields, human health, or the broader environment.”

The environmental, health, and economic losses are too great to ignore, yet few market-ready solutions exist for farmers.

Both large and small, non-organic and organic farmers wrestle with how to reduce drift effectively and affordably while also protecting their crops from incoming drift.

The EPA is working to mitigate and educate applicators on how to reduce drift. Here is their summary of the risks drift imposes on people, planet, and profit:

• Farm workers in neighboring fields

• Nearby homes, schools, and playgrounds

• Wildlife, plants, streams, and other bodies of water

• Crop injury and loss

• State and local resources spent investigating drift complaints

Farmers face constant anxiety over the implications of drift – whether spraying will hurt their crops, neighboring fields, human health, or the broader environment. Additionally, it can be costly and time consuming to mix the right additives and replace expensive nozzles.

For these reasons, OmniSolve has developed a microfluidic atomizer, called OmniTarget, that provides extreme precision, uniform distribution of particles, reduction in chemical use, and most importantly - minimization of drift. Even more, this nozzle can be affordably scaled up or down for various types of on-farm spraying equipment.

Solving the issue of drift and providing unmatched precision in the application of chemical treatments and sprays is our unique value proposition.

Our goal with this technology is to create a win-win-win for farmers, planet, and people through precision, low-drift spraying.

Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you reduce drift and improve on-target spraying.

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